Seeing your work in print, never gets old!

The digital age has kinda killed off some of the buzz of ‘getting published’ because it’s just online now, but occasionally there will still be the odd opportunity here and there to see your work on paper, a physical, tangible thing. Read on to find out how you can get a front cover too!

Earlier this year I put together a few online photography classes, some have already aired and more are on their way, so stay tuned for those before the year is out!

One of the classes I taught, is all about Beauty Photography…

This class is exclusive to KelbyOne and was aired live at Photoshop World. For those who haven’t heard of this, it is literally the most fun you will ever have, learning about all things photography! (And then some…)

It’s normally an event that takes place in person, in none other than LAS VEGAS! It has a heap of amazing instructors from all over the world, coming together to share knowledge, experience and the best advice from the industry. You come away from the 3-day event feeling more confident, inspired, happy and with so many new friends. If you get a chance to go in person, GO!

This year it was online again due to covid, but that didn’t stop the fun! Midnight Madness and meet-ups still went ahead, where you can win all sorts of prizes and chat to the instructors in person. Where else can you do that!?

Below are the instructors from this year…

Beautiful bunch of instructors, part of KelbyOne Photoshop World 2022

I was honoured to be part of such an incredible line-up this year. I would LOVE to be able to teach in person next year - fingers and toes are crossed!!

If you would like to watch my class about Beauty Photography and how I shot that image for the FRONT COVER of La Dolce magazine, then you can watch the replay by clicking the big button below!!

And it’s not just my class that you’ll get to watch… it is the whole Photoshop World Replay, including all of the classes from that incredible line-up of photographers! ENJOY!!!