I was approached by Digital Photographer Magazine after my talk at The Photography Show, NEC Birmingham, to give some insight into fashion photography, along with offering some great tips to get started! Issue 259 is out now, if you want to go and check it out!
Siân’s image of model Candy (JEM Models) MUA/Hair: Gemma Sutton - on the bottom left hand corner of the front page of Digital Photographer Magazine.
This image below of Kriszta that was taken as part of my ‘Beauty Basics’ class for KelbyOne, has literally been a photo editors absolute fave! It was one of the more simple set ups that anyone can achieve, but it just goes to show that if all the elements come together, (model, lighting, make up and accessories), then you have the recipe for a winning image!
Model: Kriszta
MUA/Hair; Shelby Kerr
I normally read all of the photography magazines on READLY, which is a great monthly subscription site where you can read all of the magazines and newspapers you could possibly think of! However, I did, on this occasion, head out immediately to purchase a couple of copies of Digital Photographer Magazine!
I forgot how much I love an actual physical magazine in my hands, seeing images in print. The only magazine subscription I have now, that I actually hold to read, is National Geographic! And i’m sure like many, that is the only magazine that I can’t face to recycle or pass on. The yellow binding is too iconic and therefore, I have to keep every single issue! I do have a few boxes full of them now, but they hold too much weight - both in words and in photographs - per issue. I think i’ve yet to meet a single photographer, who doesn’t wish for their work to be featured in National Geographic!
Siân’s image of Candy (JEM Models) bottom right of page.
(MUA/Hair: Gemma Sutton)